Carl Rogers Library and Store
The Carl Rogers Memorial Library is a public resource featuring works by Carl R. Rogers, his contemporaries, students, critics and colleagues, and people…
On Becoming a Member
Enjoy the benefits of our CSP membership. Exclusive discounts at our CSP store and events, priority access to our events, and exclusive members-only content…
CSP Events
CSP hosts numerous workshops and conferences, including the Carl Rogers Annual Conference, Person-Centered Psychotherapy, as well as encounter groups.
“Psychologically, we are a close community, supporting each other but criticizing each other just as openly. Although our director has routine responsibilities, no one is in authority over anyone else. Everyone can do as he wishes, alone or in concert with others. Everyone is responsible for his own support…
There is absolutely nothing holding us together except a common interest in the dignity and capacity of persons and the continuing possibility of deep and real communications with each other. To me it is a great experiment in building a functioning group – a non-organization really—entirely based on the strength of interpersonal sharing.”
A Way of Being, Carl Rogers, 1980
CSP Upcoming Event
Center for Studies of the Persons (Carl Rogers)
In-Person Conference
Aug. 13 - 17, 2025, Univ. San Diego, San D., Cal.
“Person-Centered Approaches to Individual, Group & Global Wellbecoming”
You are invited to join our International Community
Friday, Aug. 30th - Sunday, Sept. 1st
for Module 1 of PCP Academy’s
Module I (OnLine) Aug. 30 – Sept. 1, 2024 15 hours, $250 before 7/31, $300 afterwards - 3 days of training combining theory and practice, immersion in Person Centered Therapy and the original ideas of Carl Rogers. - Students will learn: the theory of actualizing tendency, six basic conditions of therapeutic contact’ and the practice of empathic understanding. - Practice: Demo sessions. Exercises and Group Discussion.
CSP Projects
Person-Centered Psychotherapy
The Person-Centered Psychotherapy Project has been in existence for the last five years, and we have trained people from many parts of the world, including India, Europe, South America, and North America. Our work has been to provide high-quality training in the Person-Centered Psychotherapy that emerged from the Person-Centered Approach developed by Carl Rogers.
The La Jolla Program
For more than half a century, The La Jolla Program has been at the world forefront of practicing our versions of interpersonal encounters. We convene together, facing one another, using the opportunity to talk and otherwise communicate. Our aim is to understand and experience our personal relatedness to happenings that concern us.
The natural quest for biosynergy – the synergy of all life – has been ongoing for endless eons. Long before Aristotle’s illumination of the concept of synergy – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts — explorers, seekers, & scientists have seen earthlings from micro-organism clouds to human communities to natural ecosystems collaborating in mutual biosynergy for the greater good.
Recurring CSP Meetings
Encounter With Self
Encounter with Self is a group designed, supported, and facilitated to promote personal growth through witnessing (primarily listening and observing oneself in a “sacred I space”) and a sharing of self in a sacred “we space” of a group encounter. Our time also will provide opportunities for intermittent silent introspection.
PCA International
Antonio Santos hosts a weekly PCA International Zoom meeting, Sunday mornings at 6 AM Pacific Daylight Time. This accommodates the needs of attendees who are spread across the globe. The meeting runs for two hours and is well attended by members of the International PCA Community, CSP, and others.
CSP Encounter
In an effort to bring the Center’s encounter group experience to the general public, CSP facilitators currently offer a two-and-a-half-hour sampling of what it is like in CSP’s more intensive face-to-face experiences. Will Stillwell is facilitating CSP Encounter meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
CSP E-Community
These meetings take place on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from 10 AM to 12 PM, Pacific Daylight Time. We generally have around 14 people attending from around the US and the world. The purpose is to allow attendees to feel Community and Support as we encounter one another. The meeting is open to all CSP members, as well as to others who the members may recommend.
The Impact of Transpersonal Psychology on Understanding Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela: The Role of Color and Music in Overcoming the Ego for Civil and Social Justice
Jetaun Bailey – Doctorate in Professional Counseling and Supervision, licensed professional counselor, certified school counselor, college professor, counselor, and evaluator. Sucandra | Diệu Nguyệt – Graduate student at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Abstract This essay explores the transpersonal power behind the social justice and civil rights movements, focusing on three significant…
Anti-War Statement and Peace Movement
The full-scale invasion of Ukraine ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin is a direct violation of the principles of the international legal order, which aims to maintain international peace and security…
What Is the Person-Centered Approach?
The Person-Centered Approach was developed from the work of the psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers (1902–1987). He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counseling that, at the time (the 1940s–1960s), was considered extremely radical, if not revolutionary. Originally described as non-directive, this therapy moved away from the idea that the therapist was the expert and towards…
The Psychology of Carl Rogers: The Father of Humanistic Psychology
Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who is best known for his client-centered approach to therapy. He believed that people are innately good and that the therapist’s job is to create a safe…