“I have me be…a Visionary or Cultural Creative.” It seems to be the essence of my choices, of where I have landed, and of where I am going. The first significant step in my growth was my Sociology Class at JFKennedy High School (Waterbury, CT) in which Mr. DeBello wanted to know what we thought! We spoke, grappled, debated, and built a classroom community, a microcosm of what larger communities could be. I began my journey called “Social Justice.” I earned a B.S. in Human Development and Family Relations and am one course short of my Master’s in Social Work. I worked 5 years for the Dept. of Children & Youth Services before earning my Teacher’s Certification. I earned a Master’s and 6th Year degree in “Wholefield Learning”, a progressive integral pedagogy based on the work of Ken Wilber. I have been a teacher for 24 years, predominantly 5th Grade because of their developmental stage. I have my class and me be…joy, pain, silence, talking, activity, academic learning, personal learning, inside, outside, groups, individuals, partners…social justice. I am also a member of a meditation community led by Pat Howley within which we practice loving-kindness and authenticity as we grow to live harmoniously and integrally, holding a sacred place in the Cosmos. I have me be a part of a coalition of peaceful revolutionaries. I live adventurously with hiking, biking, kayaking, rock-climbing, gardening, woodworking, writing, and playing with my two grandchildren who teach me the most.