CSP Events

Upcoming Events:

PCP Academy: Course in Person-Centered Practice, Module I, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2024 Rogers’ essential insight is that certain qualities of the relationship between therapist and client can be learned and practiced to create an optimal interpersonal climate for growth, development, and healing. In this course series, you will discover, using guidance and practice, and through your own experiences and reflections, how to create this climate for your own practice. Participants will learn how to enhance the possibilities for personal change and growth for their clients. MODULES II - V TBA Contact [email protected]

Recurring Meetings

Encounter with self is a group designed, supported, and facilitated to promote personal growth through witnessing (primarily listening and observing oneself in a “sacred I space”) and a sharing of self in a sacred “we space” of a group encounter. Our time also will provide opportunities for intermittent silent introspection.

In an effort to bring the Center’s encounter group experience to the general public, CSP facilitators currently offer a two-and-a-half-hour sampling of what it is like in CSP’s more intensive face-to-face experiences. Will Stillwell is facilitating CSP Encounter meetings on the first and third Wednesday of the month.

Antonio Santos hosts a weekly PCA International Zoom meeting, Sunday mornings at 6 AM Pacific Daylight Time. This accommodates the needs of attendees who are spread across the globe. The meeting runs for two hours and is well attended by members of the International PCA Community, CSP, and others.

The PCIE Project’s main goal is to create opportunities for educators interested in both a person-centered approach and an integral approach in education to apply these understandings with both self and others…