Anthony “Tony” Rose is a social scientist, poet & author, CSP founder, & biosynergist who has traveled around the globe applying Person- Centered Biosynergy principles to study and enhance the harmony of humanity and the natural world.
Tony grew up amidst a large extended family in Los Angeles, graduated Beverly Hills High School, and served in the US Army Reserve while earning his PhD at UCLA where he studied comparative social psychology, learning theory & behavior modification, and psychopharmacology as a USPHS Research Fellow at the UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric & Brain Research Institutes. His doctoral research explored factors that influence drug and alcohol addiction in humans and nonhuman primates.
In 1967 Rose took an NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship at Western Behavioral Sciences Institute with mentors Carl Rogers, Richard Farson, Tom Gillette, and a score of visionary colleagues. Rose helped found Center for Studies of the Person in 1968 and served on its first Board of Directors. In the ensuing 53 years he has created and applied person-centered approaches to the treatment of psychosocial, cultural, medical, organizational, economic, religious and ecological challenges around the world.
Rose became aware of biosynergy in his primate research laboratory at UCLA in 1963 and began investigating and writing about it’s global importance after he observed the phenomenon while tracking orangutan in a Sumatran rain forest in 1982. He founded The Biosynergy Institute in 1994 to illuminate and apply biosynergy theory to restoring nature and protecting wildlife and earth’s biosphere.
In 2016 Tony presented his life’s work at CSP’s Annual Carl Rogers Conference and decided to return to his psychology roots and rejoin The Center. Tony has been testing & expanding the principles and practices of Person-Centered Biosynergy since then. We are pleased that 2021 is the year for the Center’s launch into the global biosynergy movement with the official startup of the CSP Biosynergy Project.
“Deep personal experience and rigorous research on six continents have shown me that all earth life — individuals, societies, and ecosystems — are inherently biosynergistic. My explorations in scores of cultures and biomes in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Islandia, and the Americas have produced profound insights into the factors that influence the fundamental harmonious relationships of humanity and nature.
“While teaching human-primate social evolution, publishing research and photo essays exposing humankind’s fatal penchant for ‘Consuming Nature’, and creating innovations in Compassionate Conservation and Biosynergy Renewal, I’ve become convinced that Person-Centered Approaches to understanding and optimizing biosynergy among all earth life are key to survival of the biosphere and of human civilization.
“These are new and fertile grounds for the Person-Centered Movement. We invite scientists and practitioners of all ilk to join us at the CSP Biosynergy Project to explore and enable the profound forces that bond humanity with all life on Earth.”
Contact Biosynergy Project Founder Anthony L Rose, Ph.D.
Connect soon to discuss innovations in person-centered Biosynergy!
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