My professional career has been enriched over the years as a professor and researcher in educational sciences, with an emphasis in andragogy and social gerontology of psychoanalytic orientation.
At the age of 20, (in 1966), I have read the book of Carl Rogers, ‘’On becoming a Person’’. This man, his theory, his research, in fact, all his philosophy on behalf of the human being has definitely influenced my person, my career, and my contribution to humanity.
Born in Acadia, New Brunswick (Canada), since my childhood, I have benefited from a classical education received from religious communities from Lyon, Paris, Quebec and Montreal, (heritage of the Age of Enlightenment). My historical and cultural origins bring me closer to France, which I still call my “motherland”.
My long career as a professor of education (largely inspired by the work of Piaget, Montessori, Freinet, Dewey, Feuerstein and Rogers), has earned me recognition by my peers for the Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Moncton, in 2008.
From the 1980s with the Fathers of the Holy Cross, I undertook a long analysis: the PRH Movement (Personality and Human Relations-André Rochais, France); I took lessons at the University of Sherbrooke, then at the University of Montreal (in theology). Since that time, I have not stopped progressing in the relationship with myself and with others, thanks to support and research.
Since the year 2000, in the spirit of my doctoral thesis, (1990), I have collected a set of data and clinical observations, (the basis of the nine books that I have published on the relation to oneself and to the others, which are at the very heart of the therapeutic-analytical support relationship.
My meeting with André De Peretti in 2012 in Paris was DECISIVE in my literary career and my pedagogy of therapeutic support. (This man, both pedagogue and writer, is the father of psycho-sociology in France.) I had long talk with him, and I consider him a spiritual father.
The work of Françoise Dolto, psychanalyst, greatly influenced my pedagogical approaches during the training of teachers at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.
In Grenoble and Lyon, professors Michel PHILIBERT, Henri CLAUSTRE, Charles HADJI and Guy AVANZINI, enriched and inspired me in the creation of my university course content.
The discovery of the work of the Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli on psycho-synthesis influenced me in the relationship and the therapeutic work.
As a Doctor in Educational Sciences, graduate in Social Gerontology in Grenoble and having known Doctor and Professor René SCHAERER, I had the pleasure of creating in Canada, the JALMALV movement (Until Death, Accompany the Life) whose foundations draw, among other things, on psycho-gerontology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
I defended my doctoral thesis “For Lifelong Education Until The Last Ages Of Life” resulting in a “Very honorable” mention.
Scholar of Queen Elizabeth II and scholarship holder of the French government, I first pursued my 2nd cycle studies in the United States and 3rd cycle in France.
Founder of the Universities of the Third Age in Acadia, (of which Pierre Véllas is the founder in France in 1973), I attribute my observations and research from the reflections and psychic realities of my students.
For 3 years, I trained at the International School of Creative Non-Directive Approach (CRAM), in Montreal.
The training in psychogerontology in Lyon with Professor Hélène REBOUL and gerontopsychiatrist Louis PLOTON inspires and enriches my clinical interventions.
My book “The Psychic Needs of the Aging Adult” is recognized as a contribution to the ethical questions of aging in a geriatric care setting.
The correspondence between Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud is evident in the history of psychoanalysis. Carl Gustave Jung’s work on the soul in analytical psychology influenced me in the writing of my work “The ego in the ages of life — towards a spirituality of the heart”.
As a psychotherapist, I favor long-term therapeutic work, because I believe that the true support of the person is at the very heart of the subject’s history. The unconscious and childhood are the foundations of any path of humanity.
The training obtained in California, (2018), at La Jolla, at the Center for the Studies of the Person (CST -Carl Rogers), (Dr William Stillwell, Dr Antonio Santos, etc.) and in Oregon, 2016 with Dr. William Stillwell, gives me a window on the realities of human subjectivity and the complementary of approaches in behavioral sciences.
I have been accepted as a member of the IFP (Institut de Psychanlyse Français), in Paris, in February 2020.
Since 2019, I am a member of the European (and World) French Association of Psychotherapy (PCA), Counselling and Experientials and Psychanalyst.
Since 2012, I am a Facilitator to the PCAI-France, with Patrick Kauffmann.
Being a deeply open being, my work as a psychotherapist is increasingly inspired by the contribution of Sigmund Freud on the unconscious and Jacques Lacan on the specific attention to language problems.
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