Center for Studies of the Person: Carl Rogers In-Person Conference
Aug. 13 – 17, 2025, at University of San Diego, California
Overlooking the Pacific in San Diego, California
“Person-Centered Approaches to Individual, Group & Global Well-Becoming”
Conference Tuition – $300 / person ($250 for 1st 20 Registrants!)
Pre/Post Conference: PCPsychotherapy $250 / Becoming an Earthling $150
Accommodations: Univ. of San Diego Dormitory, $90/night for Single Private Bedroom and Bathroom; $150/night Shared Double Bedroom (2 Beds) and Bathroom.
Pavilion Dining Food court style: Mediterranean, Italian, Mexican & Asian as well as fresh salad & soup bars; directly across from our Community Meeting Room. Closing Reception : Appetizers – Plated Dinner & Band on Terrace: $50.00. Please click the University Housing & Meals for more specific details.
CALL for PRESENTERS! Help revitalize our Person Centered Movement as we explore issues which are crucial for our healthy growth as persons, as societies, and as participants in the restoration of a flourishing planet. From enabling personal authenticity to advancing global biosynergy, your presence and presentation are vital to the positive person-centered wellbeing & well-becoming of all Life. Share your experiences, ideas, & dreams! Lecture, Lead a Symposium, Be part of a Panel, Facilitate a Workshop/Group… Offer the keys to your Person Centered Practice to the World! Submit ideas to Will Stillwell at [email protected].
Register at GiveButter – Visit our CSP Website
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