As I reflect on my life, a constant and persistent theme remains as freshly intriguing as it began: I am fascinated by relationships among people and the factors contributing to all our interpersonal dynamics. Since my junior year in college, I have been teaching and studying the Person Centered Approach that Dr. Rogers identified, developed, and articulated so beautifully. I am fortunate to have met him and to join with other colleagues at the Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, a professional association of psychologists, therapists, educators, healthcare professionals and practitioners from all walks of life to extend our exploration of what it means to be human.
My fascination has become a calling. I love facilitating other people in their growth and development, and uncovering the persons we truly are. I believe that we all possess a natural tendency toward actualizing our highest potential, and I revel in that energy and the beauty of just being together.
Currently, I am Director of Education Transformations, a division of CSP offering programs specifically for educators to support the development of effective relationships at school. Teachers and administrators are increasingly looked to for guidance in the social and emotional growth of students. Their ability to form effective relationships with their students, students’ parents, and each other is vital in successfully meeting the growing challenges emerging in education today. I have been a teacher, a counselor and a principal. I have grown in confidence and competence with each endeavor. I feel the call stronger than ever to share the important and indelible lessons I’ve learned with anybody willing to engage in the journey with me.