I am Hannah: An Amazonian-Jewish-Person and a Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Jungian studies. Although these words could never define me, they indicate a Weltanschauung that influences my being in this world. I experienced obstacles in life very early on that led me to intense inner work to get to that point where I find strength in my vulnerabilities.
As a speaker for minority rights, I have presented at various U.S., South America, and Europe conferences. I also have international experience working with unprivileged populations, and my research focuses on archetypal stories from Amazonian indigenous peoples and a concept that I developed and named archetypal intersubjectivity.
My scholarly interest includes empathy studies, postcolonial and decolonial studies, non-Eurocentric feminism, and Ecopsychology. During my free time, I enjoy going for a walk, dancing, and drumming ancestral rhythms. I currently live in Bloomington, Indiana.