I was introduced to the Person-Centered Approach during an exercise in graduate school that was used to find my theoretical orientation. My values were aligned with this approach, interest developed, and I delved deeper. I later found the book “On Becoming a Person” by Carl Rogers and decided to seek connection with others who subscribe to this way of being, to further my understanding and enhance my counseling style. In 2021, I discovered and attended the CSP Interim Conference where I participated in my first encounter group. I had an experience that exceeded my expectations and inspired me to seek membership into this community.
I received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Toledo in 1997 and became a Public Safety Officer in 2001. In this capacity I served as a Police Officer, Firefighter and Emergency First Responder. Upon witnessing, experiencing, and coping with traumatic events in my professional and personal life, I decided to return to school to gain insight. I received my master’s degree in clinical Mental Health Counseling from Spring Arbor University in 2017, established my clinical practice and began volunteering at a local community organization. I contracted counseling services with an afterschool program designed to help at risk boys and soon became a team member for youth and adult mental health specialty courts. I subsequently retired from Public Safety in 2021.
I believe PCA is the best appeal to honor all people, and uniquely fitted to pair with other evidence-based modalities to address mental illness. I continue to provide counseling services utilizing PCA and Trauma/Resiliency models to help people cope with stress and related issues. I have taken a special interest in the wellbeing of the African American family with an emphasis on creating safe spaces specific to African American boys and men. I currently co-facilitate trainings in Motivational Interviewing, facilitate multicultural groups for men and occasionally present on various topics on mental wellness. I am excited to be a member of the Center for Studies of the Person.
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