CSP Donations
- The CSP Center revenues are used to cover its operational expenses and fund its activities.
- Funds received through our Contributing Members / Donations option will allow us to increase our activities in line with our organizational objectives, which include:
- Hosting an Annual Carl Rogers Conference. Although the theme of the conference changes from year and year, the principal objective is to provide members of the Person Centered Community with a space for Connection and Encounter, an opportunity to listen and to share with others their work in PCA.
- Building Upon the Carl Rogers Memorial Library. We want to make it the best library and resource in PCA for people around the world, in terms of content, in digital media and distribution, and in proprietary video offerings.
- Provide seed money for doctoral studentsinterested in doing their dissertation and research on the value of PCA for psychotherapy, organizations and education.
- Provide lectures, courses and workshops at CSP’s present site and through the internet for people around the world.
- Translate more of Carl Rogers’ tapes and papers in different languages and have them available through our library.
- Expand funding sources by actively seeking grants and donations that will enable us to meet our objectives.
- Develop a support infrastructure to allow us to grow and function effectively.
- Provide support for PCA practitioners in their efforts to expand the knowledge and practice of PCA around the world.
- Honor the work of PCA practitioners around the world with an award to recognize their contributions to PCA.
- Publish a journal to motivate people to write papers and report research being done in PCA.
The purpose of the Center for Studies of the Person (CSP) is to explore the richness and complexity of the person, to help individuals discover and experience more fully in their own lives, relationships and organizations the wealth of what it means to be personal—of what it means, for example, to be private as well as open, to be accepting and present to others, to be self-affirming. The Center is concerned with new experience and with old truths. It is a Center of scientific and humanistic search and a Center of informal education. As members, we intend to experience anew and in our own lives, meanings of democracy and of community. We intend to invent and submit to the public our understandings of what it is to be fully human.
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